Thread: river fold
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Old 04-24-2003, 03:29 AM
elysium elysium is offline
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Default Re: river fold

hi marbles
you know what? i'm going to probably be the lone dissenter here, but i like the fold. the pot isn't large and it looks like your opponent has kicker problems here. but, the pot is large here. hmm....i still like the fold. never make this a habit though. one reason i like the fold, the reason that makes the decision pretty clear to me, is that your opponent expects you to call. i just don't think you win often enough here to justify a call. but i want to add in a reminder here, and it could be important. if you need to freshen up your grit; if you're not perceived as being weak, but you also haven't made a tough call in a while, just casually make the call. but if your image as being an opponent who makes tough calls is still fresh in your opponents minds, then fold like you got caught bluffing. i do like the fold here as long as it isn't on the heels of a similar type fold.
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