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Old 05-21-2005, 12:21 PM
goofball goofball is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 43
Default Re: The first flaw in Sklanskyanity

Yes your god (almost) qualifies as one of the possibilities. My claim is that given what we know now there's certainly no reason to favor him over the possibility of no god.

Also, your god doesn't quite qualify. You stipulate that he cares about us being happy. Under only one circumstance could I see that being true, and that is if his hypothesis is somehow related to us being happy. Then even still he would be rooting to confirm his hypothesis and only indirectly for our happiness. Outside of the remote above exmple I see no reason why he would care about our happiness any more than I would care abotu that happiness of rats were I do to an experiment on them (or elementary particles, if they had feelings).
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