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Old 05-21-2005, 12:29 AM
jacattac jacattac is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 22
Default Post flop play help

First, since this is my first post on this site, I want to say hello to everyone. Looks like a great site and I'm excited about becoming a contributing member.

Now to my question, and rest assured I've tried the search function, but still have not found what I'm looking for.

My wife and I have read, anotated, re-read, studied, SSH many times over the past month. When we tried to apply the teachings in micro limit games such as .02/.04 - .1/.2 we have consistantly been beaten. We have the starting hands down cold, and me being an accountant and her being a math teacher, calculating all of the odds are no problem.

Where I feel that we're losing most of our money is on incorrect play on the flop and turn. The problem is is that the pots we lose are always very large and the majority of the pots we win are always small. We always play statiscally and only call or raise if we have a positive EV and the pot odds indicate that its profitable to continue to play.

We are obviously missing something critical but I'm not sure what it is. I think we have missunderstood some primary post flop techniques, but I'm not sure what to do if the statistics tell us that it's profitable to keep playing.

Any advice on post flop techniques would be greatly appreciated or if someone could clarify some of the points in the book that we may not be grasping (not sure which ones, we would appreciate that too.

Thank you for reading this and helping us out.

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