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Old 05-20-2005, 05:43 PM
NotReady NotReady is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 70
Default Re: A Reasonable Religion

If you seriously want to know about the Bible there are many sources on the net and plenty of critical sites as well. This is just one:

I'm not endorsing everything on this site, it just was one of the first that popped up in a Google search. I don't know what specific questions or objections you might have and the subject of the Bible is enormous. God promises that if "you seek, you will find". If you approach the investigation of His Word, He will open your eyes to the truth. There are also many Christian forums populated by believers far more versed in these kind of questions than me. I'm not trying to duck your questions but am pointing you to a method of answering them more completely than I can.

I will say that faith is not blind. There are evidences, arguments and reasons for faith. But there is no such thing as absolute, objective, certain proof. God has chosen faith as the instrument through which we are saved. He has the power to convince you and to assure you of His truth. But you have to do the hearing and the believing.
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