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Old 05-20-2005, 04:14 PM
The Goober The Goober is offline
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Default Re: A Reasonable Religion

They offer their services to married men which some would argue is not in the best interest of humankind.

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Hmm... do I detect a bit of old-school judeo-christian morality here? Does this mean that bar owners are sinners, since they offer their services to alcoholics? For that matter, how are poker players any better, since we regularly offer our "services" to gambling addicts? Obviously, helping acoholics drink and gambling addicts lose their money isn't in the best interest of society either.

You should read Megenoita's posts in the "women in casinos" thread in the B&M forum. He's a devout christian who makes the argument that humans are inheirantly weak and should avoid temptation rather than learn to resist it - if you blame prostitutes for breaking up marriages, then it would seem that you agree with this.
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