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Old 05-20-2005, 01:51 PM
duke44 duke44 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 45
Default Re: Poker Prophecy Software

PP relies on PArty software for updates. and you know how bad Party software is. it might list 1 player at the table, but when you double click to see the table, there might be 8 players already sitting there.

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We actually have developed a bit of a work around for this at the start of May, Party Poker changed up a few things(mainly updating very slowly) on us so we had to change a few paremeters and add on some systems. If you go to, data history you can see we have improved from our decline and we will hopefully reach our goal of 20,000 games recorded today.


it is currently useless for table selection. PP relies on PArty software for updates. and you know how bad Party software is. it might list 1 player at the table, but when you double click to see the table, there might be 8 players already sitting there.

and PP is useless for multitabling selection. once you sit at a table, it will only give you stats on that table.

so if you 4 table, and *IF* party software updates fast enough that you PP is able to retrieve names from the tables, it'll only help with table selection for 1 table.

you'll have to manually enter names for the other 3 tables. that is a pain, and is inconvienent. not to mention that you'll only have time to enter like 2 names before the table fills up.

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We are also going to be adding two features to help with the above situations.

First we are adding a table selection, much like the player selection, type in the table and get your data.

Second we are adding an automatic search feature that as soon as a player sits down at a table Poker Prophecy will update your table list so no more waiting on the Lobby to update.

If any one has any more suggestions or comments please let me know via post or pm, Thanks.
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