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Old 05-20-2005, 12:16 PM
gomberg gomberg is offline
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Posts: 22
Default Re: J-T suited flops toppair and flushdraw

It is nice to take odds on the turn - but pushing has its merits too especially if you have some folding equity (which you should).

I'm not sure I like the call on the flop. You either have the best draw or the best hand, but it seems like you have the best draw from that overbet. given that, will he pay you off if you hit? If not, this is a clear fold. Even if you hit a ten, you may not be good or he may fold to the scary card. If you hit a J, you're probably good, but not necessarily. If you think you have bluffing equity from a scare card like a 9 or 7, then a call may be justified.
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