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Old 05-20-2005, 11:46 AM
Adde Adde is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Sweden
Posts: 719
Default This fix will stop Eurobet browser popup at exit

When exiting Eurobet, an annoying browser window pops up. Here are some ways to (kind of) prevent it:

* INTERNET EXPLORER: If it hijacks the current browser window, prevent this by unchecking [Reuse open windows for shortcuts] in [Tools > Settings > Advanced] (or similar wording, I have a swedish OS)

* FIREFOX: The annoying part is that it will resize the window. If you use the Adblock extension, go to its preferences and:

1. Check [Adblock Options > Site Blocking]
2. Create a new filter with this URL:

A new tab (or window if you have that setting) will still open up, but the URL will be blocked, and thus the window will not be resized.

Makes my day!

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