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Old 05-19-2005, 02:51 PM
Steve Giufre Steve Giufre is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Long Beach, Ca
Posts: 101
Default David and Daniel, blah blah blah

I'm getting tired of all this nonsense. First it was the Psychology forum. It went from a lot of good poker discussion, and turned into a big religious controversy that you were the center of. It would have been fine except a lot of the good posters stopped writing about poker and instead spent all their time responding to the religious threads. So those of us who were trying to learn something here or there lost out.

Now its the WPT forum. Not that this place hasnt always had a fair amount of BS and gossip anyway, but now its way worse than before. Once in while you would see a good poster throw up an interesting topic that was actually related to poker theory or strategy, but now we are seeing less and less of that. Even top pros who have no affiliation with 2+2, Phillips, Cunningham, Greenstien, Duke for a short period of time stopped in to try to help people before they were chased off. I look at every post you have made here lately and 90% of them have had absolutely nothing to do with poker strategy. What is the main reason you are involved with this site? Are you really here to tell us how smart you are, who is stupid, what games you would be better than most top players at? Personally I could care less how good you are at baseball, war, tic tac toe or any other dumbass game. Your latest contribution is a reply to Daniel's offer that you crafted in a way that you can be sure he will not play you. I dont care if you play him or not. But every day it gets a little more like RGP around here and you are contributing to that.

What about this. Since a lot of us here actually want to learn and help each other, why dont you chip in? The mid to high stakes forum is where the most serious posters seem to be, yet I cant remember the last time you posted anything longer than a few lines there. You dont see Mason getting involved in these dink measuring contests do you? He is busy too, but at least he occationally takes the time to answer questions, help others and post an occational hand. I've talked to a few other serious posters about this, and a lot of us feel the same way. One concept we have been discussing is blind defense. Maybe you could address some of these things for us. I will put up a post in Mid to high stakes, and we hope you will respond with a fair amount of detail, and get involed in the thread. Surely it wont take 10% of the effort you have put into all this crap. Help us get better at poker. I really think your contributions should be more strategy related. I'll put up my post shortly and I really hope you come and give us your thoughts so we can all improve our games.
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