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Old 05-19-2005, 02:00 PM
kurto kurto is offline
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Posts: 41
Default Re: Mark Danner on the British Smoking-Gun Memo

But why do you think the US and the UK decided to break the Gulf War ceasefire?

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The UK didn't decide. The US did. As I said, the evidence shows that Bush was going to do it (his people wanted to go in for a variety of reasons they wrong about in their PNAC writings) and Blair had to decide whether or not to play along. I'm sure you've heard that Blair receives criticism for being a lapdog to the US. I believe Blair went along because he thought it better to side with the US for the WRONG reasons then to take on their biggest ally.

In PNAC, they listed a variety of reasons to go to Iraq; oil (more specifically, to reduce the reliance we had with Saudi Arabia), to get a foothold in the middle east,... they essentially wrote that as the sole surviving superpower, we should flex our muscles. Re: Oil... you may recall that prior to going in, the Bush Administration had closed door meeting with the oil companies where they exchanged Oil Maps of Iraq. Suspicious? Apparently not to Bushies. lol

They also wrote that what they wanted would never fly with the public. They wrote that the ONLY way they could ever sell this is if there was a disaster in the US equivalent to a Pearl Harbor.

Which is why, as someone else quoted, after 9/11 they said 'we're going into Iraq REGARDLESS of whether or not they were involved.' Immediately George Bush started tying 9/11 into Iraq. (and then 12 months later, you have half the nation incorrectly believing that the hijackers were from Iraq.)

So I assume we are back to the tired old contentions that we wanted to help Haliburton?

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I don't know anyone who thought it was all about Halliburton. Though I'm certain before they went in, they (they, meaning Bush and Halliburton) already knew they were going to profit from whatever action the US took.

"In other words - let's assume President Bush lied in order to get political support to invade Iraq. Why did he want to invade Iraq? I know you believe Bush is stupid and dishonest - Is he also an evil imperialist?"

As I said, PNAC (made up of the Bush family and all the people in his admin, cheney, Wolfowitz, etc.) all wrote about why they wanted to invade Iraq BEFORE Bush was ever in office. You act as if liberals are just making up stuff. They WROTE about what they wanted to do. Then, when they do it, you ask 'why?' I suggest you do some reading on what they wrote years ago. They'll tell you themselves.
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