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Old 05-18-2005, 11:31 AM
vindikation vindikation is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 181
Default Re: Disproportionate # of 6th place finishes

The number one goal of an SnG is to win first place. In general with 7-10 people left you don't want to do anything really to jeopordize you stack without having a monster hand. On the bubble with 4-6 people left, the blinds are increasing and waiting around might slide you into 3rd but you won't have a stack and have no real chance of winning or doing damage. Taking some chances with 4-6 left can bust you out or put you in a great position to win 1st.

I am slowly figuring this out and trying to find some kind of happy medium between being too aggressive on the bubble (stealing blinds) and too passive on the bubble (trying to slide into the money).

I have less than 500 $11 SnG's recorded, but I am tied with 1st and 4th as being my most common finishes. I still have a lot of work to do.
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