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Old 05-18-2005, 10:57 AM
rickr rickr is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 18
Default Re: Disproportionate # of 6th place finishes

Kind of hate to respond cause it sounds like I'm coming off as one of the best, which I'm far from that, but.

I believe it is just the nature of the game. The blind structure, chip counts, etc., kind of dictates that on average, sometime in 40 hands or so (the first four levels at party) you will get a hand that you want to play. With the blinds being too low to push, you will make more standard raises that will get called more often by less experienced players, which by it's own nature will put you in a position to lose all your chips. That answers for when you have a real hand. Now add to that that the blinds are large enough to start trying position steals with junk, and you compound the issue. I think it's just the nature of the beast.

So a summary would be " You put your chips at risk more with the least folding equity at the 25/50, 50/100 level than at any other time with the possible exception of the bubble."

Is this a leak? Yea. Can you do anything about it? I don't know.
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