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Old 05-18-2005, 09:37 AM
Ghazban Ghazban is offline
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Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 1
Default Unorthodox move in a live game

First some background to put the move in context. Live 1/2 game in the city. There are 8 players at the table but usually only 7 in any given hand as somebody is always getting up to go for a smoke, piss, food, or whatever. There is nobody at the table who hasn't played at least two sessions before with me. I am generally unpredictable in this game, raising and betting more as a function of the situation than as a function of the strength of my hand. On this particular evening, I decided I was going to play nothing but pairs and AK outside of an unraised BB and see if this strategy would be profitable. We've been playing about 2.5 hours and I've shown down two hands, AK and JT. Oddly, both hands chopped unimproved, though I did raise the AK preflop, then raised a bet on the flop with no pair and no draw (turn and river of that hand were checked through and my opponent also had AK).

I'm talking a lot at the table and busting people's chops over silly, irrelevant things. Every time somebody pauses a long time before betting/calling, I say something along the lines of "you should just go all-in, then you won't need to make any more tough decisions". I think it gets under people's skin sometimes, but its generally lighthearted and, as I do all the time, won't be construed as unethically talking about a hand I'm not involved in.

On to the hand in question. As the cards are being dealt, I'm badgering the guy next to me who folded to a big turn bet the previous hand, saying stuff like "you should've gone all-in, he wouldnt' call", etc. Then I say, "man, nobody listens to me, maybe I should just go all-in this hand".

Its folded to me in the CO, button and both blinds have me covered. I look at my hand to see black tens and push for $80.

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