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Old 05-17-2005, 05:43 PM
Judgegammon Judgegammon is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 20
Default Pokerroom Changes Blinds Structure after tourney starts

All correspondences have been forwarded to the gaming commision on your website as well as to and any other 3rd party sites that I find will be informed. You are making a horrible decision here as the poker coommunity spreads these types of deceptions rather quickly. and many other forums are aware of what pokerroom has done here.
geeksmania: I suggest you rethink what you are saying and realize that you guys made an error in judgement thinking that no one would feel affected by your decision to change the structure of the tournament. Simply ignoring this issue will not help. The exhange that has been made here is offensive to me and im sure to the rest of the poker community.
Maybe if too many people bust out early of the 50k on saturday youll reset the blinds 3 hrs into the tourney? I hope you realize how this looks to the rest of the poker community. You stand to lose alot more then just $500 you stand to lose customers faith in your ability to provide a safe and fair game of poker.
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