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Old 05-17-2005, 11:42 AM
Eliyahu Eliyahu is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Re: I know this is a micro hand but

Well you're getting 8 to 1 on the call assuming MP2 and CO don't go raise/re-raise in which case you are caught in a very bad situation. I doubt your hand is good now with the preflop raiser showing the strength of a high pocket pair or even a set if he's a loose raiser. The CO could be in on a raise to find out where he's out with a low/mid pair or a straight draw. Basically you would be looking at 5 outs but you wouldn't know if they would even be good at the showdown. You are in bad position so I'd probably pass since the strength of a 67s is in the right flop with the right position. I'd pass.

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