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Old 05-16-2005, 10:14 AM
Big Limpin' Big Limpin' is offline
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
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Default BL vs. Full Tilt

Okay, so i said i was gonna do this a while back, and never did. So today, i finally went ahead and signed up.

Backgound...This site is appealing as they are one of the few that allow you to clear bonuses via SnG play, and they offer a big bonus, 100% up to $600.

SO, this morning i signed up. First, i got some rakeback, 25% was not hard to find, check the classifieds. Then i deposit the 600.

The math: You get 7 "points" per dollar of vig. Each point is worth 6cents of bonus. THis translates to $0.42 in bonus cleared for every dollar vig...
With rakeback, another 25cents is coming off that vig, so essentially you are getting a net rakeback offer of 67% for as long as it takes to clear the bonus. Pretty schweeeet.

THe software: Is about what you'd expect.Like any new site, it takes a few minutes to get used to the interface, but otherwise, i had no beef with anything. When you signup, you get to chose an avator from a preset list. I chose the donkey. He looks like the donkey from Shrek. That guy cracks me up. At the table you can select from 4 emotions for your guy. Normal/Happy/Pissed/Confused. They really went allout on this feature. I get bored of this in about 3 seconds.
The tables look kinda "busy" to me, but you can change the background. I selet "blank". Buisiness i halved. After playing for about 10 minutes, and putting my donkey through his wide range of emotions, i turn off all avators. Buisiness further decreases, about to where i like it. Names, stacks, bets, and no more.

The games: First off, the tables are 9 player a la Stars, and stacks are 1500 And the blinds increase on a timed basis, i think its 6 minutes. 15/30, 20/40, 30/60, 40/80, 50/100, 60/120, 80/160, 100/200, 120/240, 150/300, 200/400....i never got higher than that.
Oh, and they dont have 33s. 11s, 22, then 55s. Meh.

The skill level: Well, i've only played 3 SnGs, but i would rate what i saw as being on par with Pacific. Perhaps below. Seriously, it was pretty sad. But small sample size, im sure theres sharks there too.

Frequency of games: Well, at 8:00 AM EST on a monday morning, there wasnt much happening. I sign up of a 22, and it takes about 10 minutes to fill. When it starts, i signup for another. THe 1st game is nearing bubble when the 2nd starts. But im sure the pace is reasonably quick in the afternoon/evening.

The gameplan: At 22s, this bonus will take about 700 tourneys to clear. Obviously much less at 55s, but im gonna play 22s for now at least. Oughta take a couple weeks.

I'll make some updates as to my progress, so a better take on the skill level can be determined, but so far, looks good.

3t: 1/0/2/0 +96
My handle there is "illa5th"
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