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Old 05-15-2005, 10:50 PM
droolie droolie is offline
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Default 52K HAND MEGA TUNE UP (REALLY LONG instructional content)

Here is the long awaited follow up to my first check-up thread obnoxiously called....
10,000 hands 6.80BB/100 Is this what Ed means by crushing micros? (a very good read BTW despit the obnoxious title. It got lots of great responses as this was during the week of no converter and content was low.)

Many players never show how their games have changed and when they "get it" they just post in other tune up threads. I was hoping to have a different sort of tune-up... one where I break down what's going on in my own numbers as a guide for newbies getting their feet wet with their own PT stats.

Here is all the crap from my pokertracker database.

I think there's a lot of interesting things in here. While I certainly am not the greatest player I do not think I win by shear luck alone. I hope that by showing my entire stat set some of you guys can learn a thing or two. Many of my stats are very debatable and I would love to hear feedback and criticism. These stats are all for party .50/1 only and are certainly not ideal for higher levels where I recommend tighter and more aggressive play.
Here is the basic "look at my stats" screenshot. These are my .50/1 hands that I played at the party poker network. This includes hands from when I was much less aggressive pf when I first began playing at party poker. I had played about 10-20K hands at nano-limits at pokerstars prior to moving to party and I had read SSH by that time and had absorbed some of it too so I was pretty decent already but certainly had leaks. My winrate was actually 6.8BB/100 through the first 10K hands (I was running hot, duh). My BB/100 started falling over the next 10K hands and has remained more or less where it is for the last 30K. I would put my true winrate somewhere between 3BB/100 and 6BB/100 for this level.

This is where most of the debate about my game will begin and end. It shows a player who is aggressive but not nearly as aggressive as most of you. I stongly believe that massive aggression is a mistake at .50/1. I only raise when I have a good reason to do so. I take implied odds into account and peel (call) when many of you would fold. If I sort my hands since 4/1/2005, through my last 10K hands my pfr% is 10.64. That is probably the minimum pfr% I would recommend all you guys try to attain. Ideal is possibly as high as 13% but I'm not there yet (I'm still a little weaker than some of the true masters in this area).
I included this because it shows my standard deviation. I don't worry about this stat as I think it closely mirrors VP$IP and neither should you.

This shows how I vary my play by position. This is not great as it should show better gradation but I'm relatively comfortable with what I see. You can see I raise pf much more from the last 3 positions than from EP as I do raise quite a bit to isolate, buy the button and to steal the blinds. It also shows that I'm losing $$ from the blinds but I think my numbers are actually pretty decent here as everybody loses from the blinds but the amount I lose isn't all that bad. Lastly it shows the majority of my cold calls are from the button. Do you see why?
This one shows how I win $$. I win through big hands. That's the name of the game at .50/1. Suited hands and pocket pairs skyrocket in value at this level IMO. Look at the amount of money I win on flushes and full-houses. This is because when I flop a flush draw or set ramming the pot is always rewarded and is +EV. I ALMOST NEVER SLOWPLAY. YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER (at this level)
Here are the hands that make me money. It's nice to see all the usual suspects in the order you would more or less expect. You can learn a lot about my pf game by looking at these stats. You can see which hands I raise pf and which ones I only raise when first in (RFI%). You can also check out the hands I limp with after other players limp (LwPC) Lastly you can see the hands I will cold call with (CCPF) on rare occassion. Notice to all you freaks who don't like raising 99 pf. This is why we raise it! It wins $$.


Here are the hands that are losing me money. I was happy to see that none of them were $$ making hands (hands with high VP$IP) with the exception of 33 and 76s.

I hope this helps some of you guys to examine your own stats in greater detail and makes some of you see that massive aggression is not necessarily the only way to win money. When looking at your stats keep in mind that your individual hands that are losing money may not have a decent sample size and may mean next to nothing about how you are playing them. Winning one or two big hands with 22 took my winrate from the red to green relatively quickly. I expect in time 33 will follow. However you may be misplaying some of them and if a $$ making hand shows up as losing it is certainly worth taking a look at how you are playing them from time to time. I know I was playing suited gapped hands too liberaly for a while and only after tightening up on them did I get them out of the top 10 biggest losers for me.

To those of you who are concerned about any aspect of my play, FIRE AWAY! There's certainly a lot to chew on here. This is a tune up thread after all.
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