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Old 05-13-2005, 08:27 PM
Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 95
Default Re: Poki Poker program...

I was disapointed with my copy of Turbo Texas Holdem. Either it is not very good or it is easy for a person to adjust to the computer opponents even for someone learning the game like I am.

What confuses me is that even if you play exactly the way the advisor suggest you can still loose a lot. I also have found many ways to deviate from the computer advisor and do well on hands that the advisor just screws up. I found the advice given to be totaly wrong quite often.

Does anyone have experience with both of them that would allow them to offer a compairison of the two?

I am considering sending Turbo to ebay and purchasing Poki. Thoughts about this appreciated.
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