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Old 05-13-2005, 04:16 PM
Vern Vern is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 46
Default Re: This needs to be settled, vote on Empire here

Who could possibly vote that this is good business policy? The far better solution is to restrict reload bonuses to regular players.

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60% of the voters so far. I really can't believe it either! Not too many marketing or business majors out there it appears. I'm starting to get worried that PP and skins have many players brainwashed into thinking they can do whatever the hell they want to and players must just go along with it or get banned.

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I am a marketing major and I voted yes. I have not followed this to the letter but as far as I understand it, empire is banning people that costs them money.

These same people are the players that thinks this is a marketing fiasco. The "real" players understands why Empire is doing this and they also understand that the money saved will probably somehow be used to keep the profitable customers happy.

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The problem was, when it started happening, none of those 'real' players knew anything and neither did the players (myself included) that got the axe. Empire could have come out smelling like a rose had they announced they would be terminating accounts of players that it became apparent were only playing for bonuses. No one could then offer a rational arguement for a bad busniess move, not even those that got the axe. Heck, we are not arguing it was a bad business move to axe bonus chasers, our comments are more to the manner, which in the beginning scared players regardless of whether they were banned or not.

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