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Old 05-13-2005, 03:30 PM
Jerkass333 Jerkass333 is offline
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Default Re: Should I have been more aggressive on the flop?

I think the flop is the only well-played part of his hand. Throw that hand away preflop, its a very easy fold. On the flop, a raise wont prevent a flush draw from drawing, but it will push out weak pairs that you want paying off your straight. Oh, and I wouldnt count your 8 as a backdoor flush draw, it'll rarely be any good 4-handed. I dont understand the semi-bluff on the turn at all, unless you had a good read on him as being capable of folding a pair of aces or even jacks here. Even the semi part of the semi-bluff is weak, since you're killed by a K if you hit a Q, so you're hoping for a 7 and your flush draw could easily be bad. I prefer calling the turn here.
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