Thread: Media Bias Wars
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Old 05-13-2005, 01:57 AM
PhatTBoll PhatTBoll is offline
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Default Re: Media Bias Wars

1. When you rule out government coercion (which we should), then what else is left? The only response to bias in the media is to get your information and opinions from another source. I guess you can organize a boycott of a certian source, but people who think like you do are likely to be avoiding it anyway. Why do we need "recourse" anyway? Why not just accept that there will always be bias in the news outlets and choose the outlet that best represents the world as we see it?

2. America's founders knew that freedom would flourish best in an atmosphere where every opinion would be voiced, and ordinary people would be able to choose an appropriate course of action from the "marketplace of ideas." Therefore, the best possible scenario is one where everybody gets their news from different sources and viewpoints. With the advent of blogs, doing so has become more practicable than ever. If you're going to read editorials or blogs by people with reputations of bias, read opinions from both sides. Challenge yourself to question your own point of view, and try to make a convincing argument for the other side.

I'm rambling a bit, but I think it all comes down to intellectual laziness. There is so much information that the average person can't help but get a well-rounded view of the world from the resources available. However, many intelligent folks would rather have the "truth" spoonfed to them by one outlet. And that gets us back to square one I suppose...
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