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Old 05-12-2005, 06:00 PM
KJS KJS is offline
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Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Posts: 158
Default Two Types of People

I am a big fan of 'Two Types of People' lists.

For example, "There are two types of people, people who jaywalk and people who don't jaywalk."

A list like that, IMO, gives some insight into a person's characteristics [rule breaker v. rule follower]. Then when you meet someone, you can ask them if they jaywalk and see if there answer matches yours, thus giving you some quick insight into the type of person they are.

The guideline I follow is that the types have to be mutually exclusive. Everyone should fit into one or the other and only that one. Things like "People who like baseball and people who like football" are bad, some people like neither or both.

Also, it works best when you can find people from each side who would defend their position, thus revealing more about themself.

Best to explain by example:

There are two types of people...

...People who will use someone else's toothbrush and people who won't.

...People who pee in the shower and people who don't

Anyone have their own?

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