Thread: LA Game busted!
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Old 05-12-2005, 03:53 AM
Jesus H Jesus H is offline
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Default Re: LA Game busted!

Let me be clearer: I'm don't doubt that your friend received a citation. However, the only way this could have happened is if the cops were looking for something else and stumbled into the poker game (as I wrote in my original post).

What's bull is the notion that LAPD is dispatching 10-person fully armed strike forces to execute misdemeanor warrants.

[/ QUOTE ]

To TipperDog, SlyGuy, and any others who think this story is BS... I'm one of the guys that got caught up in this bust. Warewulf is a friend, and I believe his intention in posting my story was to just give everyone a heads up. Not scare people into stopping their games.

Just know the people who come to your own game, or friends who can vouch for them. The LAPD DID come in with 8-10 officers (vice and uniformed) as there were 10 of us in that apartment. LAPD policy is likely "overwhelming force" as it is with most police departments. And they all had their weapons drawn. And if this story sounds outrageous, imagine how I felt, having a f*cking shotgun aimed at my head for 10 minutes while they "secured" the place. Why would they spend the kind of resources doing what they did that night, which included an undercover cop playing with us? Who the f*ck knows. I certainly think it's a waste of time and money, given all the real crime going on in this city.

I have since spoken with my LA City Councilmember, and will follow up to see if there is interest on his behalf in seeing this Municipal Ordinance changed. I have also spoken with Mayor Hahn's office, though they're in a tough election battle and he could lose, so I don't expect anything to happen there.

I today spoke with one of the arresting LAPD officers. I wanted to know why this game was targeted, and if they were there for other reasons, such as drugs, etc. Whether he was being straight with me or not, he said there were only there for the gambling, and only because someone complained. I asked if it was a neighbor complaining or a past player. He wouldn't reveal that (for obvious reasons). He also said (true or not) that they don't spend their time tracking down poker games to bust them. I suppose if this is true, there'd be no reason for him to lie to me about it. So it just may have been a matter of wrong place, wrong time for me.

So that's the story. I think it's a great idea for those here who would like to see LA City law changed. But it will take effort and lobbying your City Councilmember. Of the 15 or 16 Councilmembers, I think it would take a simple majority to change this law. You can start by getting your Councilmember on the phone. Let their office know when you call that you're his/her constituent. At the very least, you'll be able to speak with one of his/her deputies in the office, which is a start. If you're willing to spend a little time doing this, good luck. And maybe post your results at this forum to inspire others to lobby their Councilmembers.

I remember in the not too recent past, the city almost passed an ordinance against lap dances in strip clubs. (Or maybe they did.) But enough residents stood up against it to stop it or overturn it.
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