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Old 05-11-2005, 08:25 PM
Harv72b Harv72b is offline
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Default Re: Anxiety catches up to me.

I often have the same problem, although moreso when I've been winning at a good rate for the night. I at least manage to force myself to stay on a good table(s) until they start tightening up, but I'm much more apt to call it a night at 250 hands if I'm up 35 BBs or so. I have the opposite problem when I'm down--I get too confident in my abilities & the laws of variance, and tend to chase my losses.

Since I obviously haven't solved these problems yet myself, I can't give you any great advice. But if you're leaving good tables because you're afraid of losing your profits, that's something you seriously need to reflect on--bad beats come around regardless of how well you've been doing on the night, but bad players will keep giving you money as long as they're at the table.

On the other hand, if you're just playing for fun & extra spending cash, then it isn't such a terrible thing to quit when you're ahead or take a break when you're losing. Over the long run you're losing more money than you save by quitting when you're running cold/playing poorly, but not everyone is in this to milk every possible dollar off the felt.
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