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Old 05-11-2005, 06:10 AM
fuzzbox fuzzbox is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 30
Default Re: Two Hands, Rate my Play (Horrible?)

I think you stank the joint up on both hands.

Hand 1 - you check raise with bottom set on a very dangerous board. Thus, you are now out of position, you have no idea if you are ahead or behind, and you have made the pot much bigger. You pretty much have to follow up the check raise (which TWO players called) with a very strong bet on the turn.
However, you didnt follow it up with a very strong bet on the turn (which was not a good card for you), and you then proceeded to call the rest of your money off after you are called and then raised-all-in. I dont see you being ahead here.

I prefer to lead out on the flop for full pot. If raised, then take stock. If flat called then bet 2/3rds pot - pot on the turn ... now if you are raised then you are not likely to be ahead, but maybe the raiser will try to keep you in with a minraise - whereby you can flat call and try to fill up, being likely to stack the minraiser if you do. If he raises a lot, then you can fold. In this way, you give yourself a chance to get out of jail if you are facing the dreaded 89 or Q9 or AQ, all of which are very realistic hands.

Hand 2 - you flop a straight draw, but you could well be drawing dead to a bigger made straight. You once again check-call the flop (so you have only once chance of winning the pot - that is to make your hand and have it stand up). You make your hand on the turn and check/minraise. This allows the bettor to get away from anything worse than your hand for cheap, and when he then proceeds to reraise you - you happily pile your stack into the middle. I guess its quite likely that villain in this spot has the nuts which is once again the dreaded 89. If you dont call the flop, then you dont lose your stack when you hit your card (thats assuming that you did actually lose). Even if you won this hand, I think you played it badly.
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