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Old 05-10-2005, 10:45 AM
oaktoon oaktoon is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 48
Default Re: Great Knockout-- Did I have Any Choice?

Thanks, everyone.

One more wrinkle.

My read of the big stack-- he called my original bet, and didn't push-- was that he was playing an ace from the get go.

My read of the small blind was that he was playing a pair.

Does the fact that the big stack now takes an ace out of play (and a king, too, as it turned out), which obviously lessens my chance at a straight win over the pair while increasing the chance of a chop, make a fold after the SB push the proper action? I still have 65% of my chips-- more than enough to compete with. If we both have aces-- and if God forbid, we both have AK, our odds of beating QQ have just dropped by one-third-- from 45% or so individually down to less than a third. And with the chop possibility-- which I must allow for at least 50% of the time-- my winnings have been cut down to 1900-- bet 3500 to make 7400???

Perhaps my original bet was a mistake. But now I'm wondering if once I made it the proper move was to get out of the hand.
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