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Old 05-10-2005, 06:18 AM
jdock99 jdock99 is offline
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Default Re: 10/20 AKs ...what\'s my line?

On the river to me opponents line means 1 of 2 things: 1.) He has 2 smaller pair and is scared Q gave you 2 pair; or 2.) He was semi-bluffing/value raising a big draw like 79d or A9d and is giving up now that it missed. If it is case #1 and you bet he will call you with the best hand, and if it is case #2 he will probably call if he has the Ad and fold if he doesn't. So it would seem most of the time you bet you will only get called by a better hand; but many players make such horrible river calls (probably just to see what you had) that it is probably a lot closer than one would originally think. If you do decide to bet river and are raised, I think it is a pretty safe fold unless you are up against a true maniac, which these numbers dont support. These numbers support he is your typical loose aggressive Party 10-20 6 max player.

I do not think you can fold the turn to a cr at any point no matter what the action is on the flop, because so many loose aggressive players love to put in as much $$ as they can on the turn with big draws- (ie straight flush draws/top pair + nut flush draw) on boards like this (Which almost never works and invariably costs them lots of $$ in the long run, but they do it anyways because they are bad players). I would probably 3 bet the flop and call down if flop is capped, and if villian just calls the flop bet and checks the turn, bet the turn and call down if raised. I wouldn't feel great about my hand, but feel opponent would be semi-bluffing/draw raising enough to make this line profitable. The river decision I think is real interesting and I am not sure what I would do (probably check), nor am I 100% sure what I would do if scare card came on river and villian still bet (probably call) although I do not necessarily think these are the right lines, I just normally check/call rivers when I am not sure what to do.
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