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Old 05-09-2005, 11:11 AM
purnell purnell is offline
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Default Re: An Inescapable Conclusion about Some Religions

"Some people need religion as a structure to support their faith. This is basicly an irrational view, but people are, by and large, irrational beings."

I agree with this statement whole-heartedly. The nature of religion is to create a metaphor (myth) for that which we don't or can't understand. Most people feel better about the world when they "give in" to religion. It takes a certain bravery to say "I don't know, no one knows yet, maybe someday they will, maybe they won't, and that is cool with me".

Most folks are extremely uncomfortable with any uncertainty (which keeps them from growing, but that's another matter), and will jump through all sorts of cognitive hoops in order to avoid it. Some folks go so far with their imaginary banishment of uncertainty that they insist that their dogma is the only true dogma. These are the most fearful people of all, and rightly so, as they are intellectually the weakest.

The man who embraces the uncertainty of his universe and explores it to the best of his ability is the one who makes his "existence" "meaningful", IMO.
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