Thread: Sleep
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Old 05-09-2005, 11:00 AM
LetYouDown LetYouDown is offline
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Default Sleep

This may be a bit of a stretch for the Psychology forum, but I believe that it affects me mentally, and has an impact on my poker game as well.

For the past 10 years or so, I have had the worst sleeping patterns you can imagine. I've had no defined sleeping schedule until I started working 9-5 (3-4 years ago). Even now it's loosely defined, as I'll stay up until 3-4 some nights and be absolutely destroyed the next day, which forces me to crash when I get home. On weekends, I stay up until I literally can't stay awake anymore because I can sleep in the next day. I generally sleep until at least 3pm, if not later, on Saturdays and Sundays. Yesterday I set my alarm for 11am, as I had to get up for an appointment. It was absolute torture. I went to sleep at 3am, and had a full 8 hours of sleep...but I was tired to the point of nausea when I woke up. I strongly considered not going.

I am constantly tired and feel as though I never ever get a good night's sleep. I'm dragging through the day constantly and it's really depressing me. If affects my poker game because I don't always have the alertness/stamina that I need to play long sessions.

I think it's finally time to do something about it, but I have absolutely no idea where to start. I get no exercise and feel hard pressed to start a regiment as I have absolutely no motivation. My diet is atrocious. I'll go two days without eating, but when I do eat, it's always awful for me. I'm a smoker, and I'm sure that doesn't help. I just feel completely lost and I have no idea where to start.

Anyone else have this problem and/or solve it somehow? I've grown so accustomed to it that I feel resigned to the fact that I'll live a life without energy.
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