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Old 05-08-2005, 09:51 PM
Phat Mack Phat Mack is offline
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Default Re: Odd Golf Alignment and Vision Question

Here are some tips that worked for me, and may or may not have any worth for anyone else. I'm assuming you're left-handed but playing righty.

1. When lining up a shot, place your club behind the ball with you right hand gripping the club correctly, look at your target, and while doing so, set up everything else. Does it look and feel correct?

2. When you are set over the ball and have taken a waggle, close your right eye. Open your right eye and close your left. Rotate your head to the right until your nose (or what frames your vision) obscures the ball. Then do the same thing rotating your head to the left. Do any of these exercises cause your allignment to jump? If so, you may have a problem setting your head.

3. Judgesmails is correct about alligning your shoulders. For some reason, I could never "feel" the allignment of my shoulders and have always swung with my hips. I've found that having my feet in the right place but angling my toes a degree or two off, or flexing my knees the slightest bit, can mis-allign my hips, so I'm always consious of which direction my tootsies seem to be pointing.

4. The very best tip I can give you is to take a lesson. Find out who the good teaching pros are and ask to take a lesson on your allignment. He'll probably look at some very basic, perhap insultingly basic, things--but if you keep an open mind you'll be shocked at the amount he can teach you in 15 or 30 minutes. There are so many things that can screw with allignment, and a good teaching pro can spot them in an instant.

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