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Old 05-08-2005, 09:39 PM
Stuey Stuey is offline
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Default Re: Odd Golf Alignment and Vision Question

I had this problem also. I write left handed, golf right handed, and am left eye dominant. I found I could not aim my putts either. The shorter the putt the worse it was. I tried all kinds of things.

Here are some of the things that got it fixed for me.

1. The shorter the putt the shorter the putting stroke required. Always accelerate through the impact zone.

I would always take the same length putting stroke and adjust the speed of it. It is near impossible to stay online with a long slow putting stoke.

2. Line up long and short putts the same way. Pick a spot 2 or 3 inches in front of the ball that you want the ball to travel over. Line up the logo on the ball to point through this spot to the hole.

3. Always hit the putt firm enough to go 2 or 3 feet past the hole.

It is very hard to hit a putt with perfect weight. But it is easy to ram it in there. You don't need to play as much break and it is surprising how hard you can hit it and still sink it.

When you play pool or shoot a gun aiming seems easy. The mind makes slight adjustments naturally to line things up. The trick is not overriding your natural aiming ability. Look at John Daly he putts so fast he has no time to second guess himself. gl
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