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Old 05-08-2005, 03:46 PM
BadVoodooX BadVoodooX is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 66
Default Re: 100K/year 4tabling 100NL full ring. possible?

I can't speak to the current 100NL tables specifically but I and several others that I know of made well over 100k off the old 50 BB format 200NL & PL tables 4 tabling last year. The real key at that level was consistency and endurance, you had to put in the hours to the the requisite # of hands each month and having the mental toughness not to go on tilt during the inevitable bad streaks. Unlike most of the others, I have a day job and could play at that level basically on autopilot against most of the players there while working, playing deeper stack NL against better opponents such as the 5/10 NL at Stars, UB, Prima or now Party requires more technique and focus so I'm not playing nearly as many hands as I used to. You should be able to dig up the old posts that have some specific #'s that I made on rgp by searching for posts by BadVoodoo approximately 1 year ago.
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