Thread: my 1% plan
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Old 05-08-2005, 11:22 AM
Mike Haven Mike Haven is offline
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Default Re: my 1% plan

After becoming ridiculously addicted to poker and taking a little break, I think that I'm ready to play again, this time more responsibly.

My plan is

I'll play on

At the end of

This way, I can never lose more than

Methinks you are still addicted, and you are simply looking for "justifiable" excuses to play again.

If you have an addictive personality, (and you will know that yourself more than others: ... do you masturbate more than the normal three times a day? ... do you roll your first before breakfast? ... do you sometimes borrow your friend's needle instead of breaking out a safe, sterile one?), then there is no cure, and you just need to fight getting back into a game for as long as possible. Once you relent that first next time you'll be on the slippery slope to lose not only most of your very good income but also probably the source of that income - your new position.

Join a chess or a bridge club; or, better, get further involved with some worthwhile sports.

Good luck, man. We'll be rooting for you. Especially the ones who have now started an over/under book.
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