Thread: my 1% plan
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Old 05-08-2005, 10:54 AM
Guthrie Guthrie is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 471
Default Re: my 1% plan

This is a dumb plan. Obviously you wasted your college education.

You're either a winning player or not. If you are, then deposit the $1,000 now instead of waiting until the beginning of the year. By January you should have an adequte bankroll to last you the rest of your poker-playing life. Skim as much of that as you can into a qualified retirement plan and as much as you like into other investments, maintaining enough bankroll to allow you to play at any stakes you want. You still have your 100K from your job to live on, right?

Send me the $1,000 at the beginning of each year for the financial planning advice.
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