Thread: ADD and Poker
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Old 05-07-2005, 04:06 PM
TheVitaleMob TheVitaleMob is offline
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Default Re: ADD and Poker

I have been diagnosed ADD. This post intrigued me very much. Until recently, I have not had any medication to help fix the problem, but here I am now, 20 years old and taking ridalin. You mentioned that you can play with your chips all day at a b-m cardroom. Personally, I can't stand not fidgiting in real life, but in poker, I will riffle my chips from the instant I fold to the instant my next cards are dealt. I never riffle them during a hand. It has been said that when there is a talky player at the table, his tell is when he shuts up. The same goes for riffling chips. If you do it all the time, the tell is when you stop. In the post you linked to, one of the people talked about a cue to come back to attention. That could be a tool for you to use not only at the beginning of the hand, but during the hand as well. Sometimes I have to look at my cards once every street to remember what I have. I frequently have to actually speak my card values in my mind to remember them. The best thing to do I think, is to create a script in your head (play by play, etc.) for awhile, and then it should become easier as the script is learned. Also, making book at the table may help.

I know this was a little random, but I hope it helps. Good Luck
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