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Old 05-07-2005, 03:19 AM
Moovyz Moovyz is offline
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Default Re: Ban Vince Lepore from this forum?

I won't say whether I like Vince or not. That is my opinion, and I'll keep it to myself. But let's not forget the freedom of speech issue. (not including the habitual name calling here) He has a right to his opinions and a right to state them (as long as they are not personall attacks or slander) You all have a right to read tthem or not, as you please.

I recently spent a few days researching an article I'm doing on American Idol. Several of my posts on their website were deleted because I asked pointed questions about the show and the network. I don't care if they own the site or not. What they did was censorship, plain and simple. And this from a TV network that lives by the 1st amendment. Pure BS.

Banning Vince is not the answer (provided he uses restraint in personal attacks). The answer is to keep an open forum, Open to all opinions, even if they differ from ours.

Thanks Matt for doing it the right way, at least for now.

Keep playing hard! Glen