Thread: Cyclical Luck
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Old 04-01-2003, 01:00 AM
Zedd X Zedd X is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 7
Default Re: Cyclical Luck


Thank you for the reply (and everyone else who has posted). I understand that poker is such a complex game that there is often no clear-cut strategy in any given situation. It is too bad that there is some slightly inacurate text out there; although this is almost inevidable. Despite the section I quoted from the book being inacurate, I do however believe that this book also has alot of great advice...especially for those who's bankroll suffers "tilting"; so I have to give it credit. I have however read almost every book put out by 2+2. I have also worn the cover off of my HPFAP (like you said I would in the text). This book has been invaluable to me (and my bankroll is proof of that!). I am in full agreement that 2+2 Publishing offers by far the most accurate and effective strategies for todays poker game. That's why I joined the forum. Thank you very much Mason, Sklansky, and 2+2! Keep up the good work!!!

Best Regards,
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