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Old 05-06-2005, 05:30 PM
nuclear500 nuclear500 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 99
Default Re: My turn to sound foolish; Question about playing pocket 10s
pokenum -h tc th - ah kc - 9s 9h
Holdem Hi: 1370754 enumerated boards
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
Tc Th 617558 45.05 748027 54.57 5169 0.38 0.452
Kc Ah 501278 36.57 864307 63.05 5169 0.38 0.367
9s 9h 246749 18.00 1118836 81.62 5169 0.38 0.181

As for "knowing" you are going to see an over card?

So what? Over cards fall a lot less then you think, and just because someone called your raise, doesn't mean they have to have the card(s). I've fired at all conceivable flops with Ten's even out of position and gotten my opponent to fold.

Your opponents don't have to be calling with AK or AQ or KQ all the time. He might be calling with A8s or KTd or QJs and when that King comes, he might drop his hand, even if he pairs his Jack.

Me thinks you are getting the mindset that just because they called you they have two overs to your Tens. They might be calling with a pair of 9's thinking you for the AQc and when the flop comes 327 you have them if you play it right.

Weak-Tight mindset...I'm battling against it right now and have been for awhile.
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