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Old 05-06-2005, 03:07 PM
neorab neorab is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 31
Default Futurama shows how I see religion

High Priest: Great Wall Of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we will blindly obey.
Priests: (chanting) Free us from thought and responsibility.
High Priest: We shall read things off you.
Priests: (chanting) Then do them.
High Priest: Your words guide us.
Priests: (chanting) We're dumb.

I went to a catholic school in elementary, and they reinforce this idea all damn day long. Math and science is ok to think about, god gave us that, but you must believe and you must not question the chain'o'command.

I don't believe that our weak feeble minds could comprehend a real power capable of controlling or brinking to life the universe. If there is a "greater being," I have a real hard time believing that an organized religion has captured the concept. I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows. I feel organized religion is a cruth for people afraid of the afterlife to make them feel good about themselves.

Maybe I'm completely wrong and God will cast me into hell for using my mind, which he gave me, to question what I'm being told by every random person who throws this book that people wrote in my face. If that's the way it is, then this "infinite loving God" is unworth of my devotion.
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