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Old 05-06-2005, 10:09 AM
CollinEstes CollinEstes is offline
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Default Re: Pascal\'s Wager...


Well I ordered this book. I have always been curious about "other dimensions".

I think I paid $11 on Amazon. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.

I think you will appericate this book. If you aren't too much into the math you might want to skip some of the beginning where he goes into great detail. Towards the middle he begins to describe his ideas and theories in basic language. For 11 dollars it is worth it, I enjoyed thinking about the possiblities of someone or something existing in multiple dimensions more from a science point of view than an theological. However I am a Christian and found it to be intresting nevertheless.

To me this book answered the questions you ask as a kid to your parents in Church like: How can God hear all of our prayers at once?, or How can God be three different things (The Trinity)?

Don't get me wrong I don't think the ideas are defintive but rather hypothesis.
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