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Old 05-05-2005, 05:26 PM
dfscott dfscott is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 57
Default Re: Question to you new posters

1. I fly planes n'stuff,

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What do you fly? In my former life (prior to kids), I owned a small cessna and used to tool around all over the southeast US.

On clear, cool spring days, I really miss it...

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Hey, cool to see another pilot on the board!

Anyways, I primarily fly C172s and Piper Seminoles, though I have experience in other aircraft. Unfortunately I don't fly much, since I'm just an unemployed CFI/CFII/MEI (I refuse to work for $18k/yr with the responsibility that comes with the job). I still intend on flying for a career, but only after building my hours on the side while actually making a decent living with some other full-time job.

What kind of Cessna did you own?

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I had a 1972 182 I shared with a buddy. I learned in 172s and the difference between a 172 and a 182 is amazing. I could pack it full of crap and it still lept off the runway.

I never got past SEL-I (I flew into KAVL a lot, so the instrument rating was essential). I was working on my CFI when I had my first son (who got more flight hours during his first year than most people). After that, the time and money commitment was just too much. My medical and ticket both have lapsed, but one of these days I'll get current again.
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