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Old 05-05-2005, 05:24 PM
robug robug is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 8
Default Re: Roy Cooke on Cheating and Cheaters

This is a post I made to rgp a year or so ago. It is all just hearsay, not the proof that everybody seems to be looking for. Just stories told to me by Ralph Morton. But I have no reason to believe they are false.

Anyway here it is:

About a year ago at my uncles friday night game an old man showed up and
played for a couple hours and left about 300$ up. Before he left one of
our regular players said "Hey Dad you left your series bracelet at my
house last weekend" Later my curiosity got the best of me and I asked
him what his bracelett was for and I was told that it was for winning a
world series of poker event. Later I found out that this player was
Ralph Morton.

After the game my curriosity was still getting the best of me so I did
some searching on the net for more info. I found out he won braceletts
in 1982 and 1987 but the most interesting thing I found was this

Up untill this point I had never heard of Russ Georgiev or but
I knew I was going to ask Ralph about it. At our next poker game I
found out how to get ahold of him and later that week I took him to
lunch. He told me about the game he had at his ranch here in Yakima
with Erik Drache and Puggy Pearson and how he caught them playing with
marked cards. He told me a about a hi limit game he was playing in
Vegas with Erik Drache that he was losing in and when Erik left to use
the can he requested a new deck. When Erik got back he threw a fit
about the deck being changed and wanted to quit. Then Ralph asked Erik
if he wanted to play 50/50 Eric responded whith what the hell are you
talking about and Ralph said 50% of the time with your marked deck and
50% of the time with a normal deck and then Erik told him off and left.

He told me about a trip him and Lyle Berman made to the hustler where he
is conviced that He, Lyle and Larry Flint were cheated but did not tell
me who he was playing with (or I forgot)

He refused to pay Erik and Puggy the 150k he lost at the 7 stud game he
caught them cheating here in yakima so he was quickly blacklisted at
most of the casinos in vegas. On his final trip down there he was
beaten nearly to death with porcelain toilet top and left for dead in
his hotel room. Ralph recovered and has been back to vegas in the last
few years but mostly plays up here at Legends, Wildhorse and a few of
the small local card rooms.

I have played cards many time with Ralph in the last year and he is a
great player and I have learned quite a bit from his stories and advice.
In the years past Ralph Morton was a pillar in this community owning
the largest ag. supply company and I have no reason to not believe his tale.

It just makes me wonder if any of Russ Georgievs other cheating posts
have any truth to them.

John Storlie
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