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Old 05-05-2005, 04:33 PM
xPuns1her xPuns1her is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
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Default RNG - Online Poker Sites

I'm a new poster so I'm not sure if this subject has been touched on. But just out of curiousity do people think the RNG virtual deck of cards in a site such as Party Poker is constantly being shuffled or if it is in a solid state after the start of a new hand? If the deck is constantly in motion then the outcome of the cards would change depending on the exact moment players choose an action and the flop, turn, and river are delt. I've thought of this many times where I have waited to make a call and then wonder if somehow the time I took to call changed the card being delt. Maybe this is a stupid question I dont know...

what are peoples thoughts on this and is there any research or proof that leans one way or the other.

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