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Old 05-05-2005, 04:15 PM
KKbluff KKbluff is offline
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Default Re: Another cheating software claim to predict flop

Talked to live support about there little pattern mappping program. Sounds like a good deal...for a sucker. I feel like i would be better off with a psychic telling me what the flop is going to be, lol.

You are now chatting with 'Tom'
Tom: Hi, How May I Help You?
you: just wondering how this software is actually legal?
Tom: The software does not hack or crack any systems or networks.
you: then how can you predict the cards before they fall?
Tom: Instead it shows "hot cards" that have over a 90% chance of coming out.
you: ahh
Tom: There is a HUGE difference between a deck of cards in your hand and a virtual deck of cards.
you: how so
Tom: We found a common link that all random number generators use and we just exploit that link.
you: pattern mapping?
Tom: Similar

Tom: Do you play hold em online often?
you: quite often
you: a few hrs a day
Tom: And have you ever played at a live game in a casino?
you: yes
Tom: For most people, playing online is a completely different world than offline.
Tom: This system was created to give a major edge over your opponents
Tom: One thing I would like to point out is the fact that this software WILL NOT make you into a miracle winner like some people think, thats of course impossible because no one on this earth can win EVERY SINGLE TIME.
you: is there any kind of money back guarantee?
Tom: Instead you are able to see what your opponents are holding, what will come out and how to go about betting because of this
Tom: We have a 30 day money back guarantee, I'll even extend that for you because we're updating our members area right now.
Tom: So you'll have a 60 day money back guarantee
you: so basically i can see other peoples hold cards?
Tom: You can download the software right away, the audio book, ebook and manual will be released this weekend.
Tom: As well as the courses
Tom: You'll be given 3 edge cards and a view of the past community cards.
you: could you elaborate on the "edge cards"
you: is that what my opponents are likely to have?
you: or what they 100% actually are holding?
Tom: The edge cards are for the entire table
Tom: Example:
Tom: You just had J 5, folded the J 5 hand ends, next one starts
Tom: Current Hand:
Tom: You are dealt K 10
Tom: Flop: J 10 2
Tom: Edge Cards: J 2 7
Tom: Since you're not holding those cards, you paired 10's but the edge cards are showing jacks
Tom: This would mean you just had J 5 previous hand, have you seen your hand go to someone else directly after?
Tom: It gives you vital information on how to play the hand. By doing so it lessens your chance of losing and give you the edge to win.
you: so edge cards are partially based on previous cards dealt?
Tom: Yes
Tom: Mixed in with odds and probability
you: i thought each hand was 100% random and not based on previous hands? am i wrong on this thinking?
Tom: The way we view it is that the online poker sites all work the same in dealing cards.
Tom: Each hand is a new hand but it will be a part of the previous ones.
Tom: Like I said, there is no physical card play online. All poker software does is generate numbers in place of cards and is that realistic? Not at all... it's like playing with a badly shuffled deck.
Tom: We haven't found a site that this didn't work with yet.
you: and this only works with hold em? NL PL and limit?
Tom: Only Hold Em
Tom: Doesnt matter limit or no limit
Tom: There is a way to track 7 card and omaha but we did not release software for these yet.
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