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Old 05-05-2005, 03:38 PM
Marginilizer Marginilizer is offline
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Posts: 19
Default Re: Middle set vs. flop checkraise on coordinated board

Ah, the imfamous train wreck flop. I've been in this situation many, many times. The only thing you can really hope for on flops like this is to get heads up. At least then, you can reduce the odds that someone will draw out on you. You're already heads up at this point and I would put BB on two pair (specifically 4 5). If he has a straight, it's the wheel and he doesn't have a flush draw with it. I seriously doubt that 3 6 is in there amd I'm also disinclined to put him on a set of 5s. It's also possible that he's on a particularly juicy draw like As6s or 6s7s. I would call the reraise and bet the pot on any blank on the turn. If a spade comes, check it to him and be ready to fold.
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