Thread: War Strategy
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Old 03-30-2003, 05:39 AM
Mason Malmuth Mason Malmuth is offline
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Default War Strategy

Hi Everyone:

Here's my take on the pause in the war strategy.

First, you need to understand that in the last few wars we have fought, the enemy was bombed into submission and then the ground troops, if needed were sent in to mop up. (Yes I know I'm over simplifying.)

But this Iraq conflict was different because of the WMD. We couldn't afford to slowly degrade thier defenses just by bombing since it might allow Iraq to get a shot off at either Kuwait or Israel. So we had to send the ground troops in immediately.

So what has happened is that the western part of Iraq is now held by the coalition. Thus the chemical shot that we were so afraid of is now very unlikely. But the Iraqi army is not completely degraded which an extensive bombing campaign might have done. So the purpose of the pause is to do that degrading and not risk our troops unnecessarily. So in my opinion, this does not mean a set back has taken place.

All comments welcome,

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