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Old 03-29-2003, 11:05 PM
raconteur raconteur is offline
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Default Re: Today\'s most hated Net player

Miros is a personal friend of mine, so I admit I am more than a little biased in this matter, however...
I was genuinely angered by the rudeness of the railbirds towards him. He had NOTHING TO GAIN by the terms of the original deal, therefore he countered it. He offered an alternative deal that was not accepted. Frankly if I'd have been him, with two players begging to make a deal, I'd have done exactly the same. If they want to make a deal so badly, they have to be prepared to give up something to entice another party who is reluctant to deal, to agree. With the chips as they were it should be his deal or no deal. They opted for the latter.
Not that Miros will care what anyone thinks of him, however, and nor should he. But it does make me mad when I see people insulting him for having the temerity to act in his own interest rather than in that of his opponents.

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