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Old 03-29-2003, 10:13 AM
adam74 adam74 is offline
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Posts: 176
Default PLHE - how to get better?

I think I'm in a rut. I've been playing for a year now, virtually all online PLHE. I've had a few forays into live play, but the blinds are too high for both my bankroll and my skill level - the only game I can get to has two £5 blinds and is dealer's choice, with PLO being chosen perhaps seven times out of ten.

Anyway, I started off as low as I could, with 0.10/0.25 blinds and have done pretty well. I began playing with 0.25/0.50 blinds a few months ago and have continued to have good success there also. However, the couple of attempts I've had at 0.50/1.00 have been pretty disastrous, and I've had to move back down again quickly.

The ways that I see that I can improve are through experience, thinking about my game and reading. I get plenty of the first two, but it's the last one that's bothering me. Obviously, the vast majority of poker books are devoted to the limit form of the game, and my concern is whether reading such books will help or damage my pot-limit game.

So do people feel it's worth buying and reading these books, or is the content likely to be detrimental to my game? Aside from the Ciaffone/Reuben book, are there any others that people would say are really important/useful reads for pot-limit play?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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