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Old 03-28-2003, 01:15 AM
Howard Burroughs Howard Burroughs is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 381
Default Re: the amount of cheating in poker

"I am woefully uninformed on this topic because when people talk about bad stuff that has no effect on me, I run away with my ears covered. But ...
And I ask this not just of you, but of anyone concerned about cheating at the big games at the Bellagio.
Why do you care?"

I care because.......

1) Doug Dalton (Director of Poker Operations for Bellagio) has always been very generous to myself and friends. Even though I play pretty low stakes. we've been treated like royalty. I just hate to see a class guy like that (with a big heart), slandered without facts. Especially on a respected site like 2+2.

2) MM Light said,
"plenty of cheating going on,from the philipino mafia at the 1-2 games in comm. to the highest stakes games in bellagio........russ might not be liked,but he's honest."

He did not say, "Cheating may be going on." He said, PLENTY of cheating IS going on at the highest stakes Bellagio.
Call me a country bumpkin from Missouri but I say "Show me". Back it

Then he adds insult to injury with his Russ is honest line. Ask Mason, David or Ray how honest Russ is.

I'm sure some of what Russ says in his 1,000,001 rgp posts are true. But he himself has admitted to putting out misinformation. And he could not give Gary Carson a single solid piece of information/evidence in a phone conversation about ANY cheating at Bellagio or any Vegas cheating in the modern era!

3) I care because there could be a trickle down effect. When he says plenty of cheating at the highest stakes games at Bellagio, if MM Light has credibility from a potential 2+2 reader; our 2+2 lurker may not know what "Highest limits" means. And stay away from any poker playing on his next trip to the desert. For god's sake, Russ said one world class player (Ted F) was wearing an ear piece in cahoots with management at Bellagio in order to cheat, that Stu Ungar wore x-ray glasses to win world championships, etc. etc. (no, I'm not making these Russ G accusations up, for those unfamiliar with rgp Russ).

And to think, MM Light said, "Russ might not be liked, but he's honest".


More Tommy:

"Let's say it was proved, or merely conjectured, that there was cheating on the PGA golf tour. Would that affect any of your golfing decisions?"

I can't relate to golf. But what if Tommy Angelo decided to enter a poker tournament and won the damn thing. Then someone came onto 2+2 and said Tommy won the tournament because he cheated. Just because I did not play in that tournament (or that I'm a little peon kitchen table player), as a reader of 2+2 and as friend of Tommy Angelo's AND as a believer in truth, justice & fair play, I want someone to back up those accusations with fact or be exposed for the fraud they are. One, or the other; facts or fraud.

More Tommy,

"I just don't see how the goings on inside one of the smallest player pools in the country has anything to do with you or me."

It has nothing to do with you or me and it has everything to do with you and me.
What those guys do at each other's house's is their business. When they are accused of working hand in hand with management to cheat
players (using electronic equipment according to Russ), & when they accuse Stu Ungar of winning championships by using x-ray vision glasses (according to Russ); I don't care how low I am on the poker food chain, I say SHOW ME the facts to back up your talk.
But maybe it's just me?

"with warmth,

Taco Bell's on me, next time I see ya partner.

Best of Luck

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