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Old 03-28-2003, 12:36 AM
Jimbo Jimbo is offline
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Default Re: the amount of cheating in poker

Tommy were these players born high rollers or did they perhaps work there way up through the ranks like many players here on these forums aspire to do? If the latter is more likely then why would they just now start cheating (if they are, I am not accusing anyone of that at all)? So your comment about why would Howard care is way out of line or at the very least not well thought out prior to your posting. If it is possible to work your way up so to speak by cheating then we would be at risk at most any limit. Make any sense Tommy? Sticking your head in the sand simply makes you look like an ostrich.

"I am woefully uninformed on this topic because when people talk about bad stuff that has no effect on me, I run away with my ears covered." I believe I have addressed this comment sufficiently.

"Let's say it was proved, or merely conjectured, that there was cheating on the PGA golf tour. Would that affect any of your golfing decisions? " Last time I checked this was a poker forum. Ask this same question on a golf forum and marvel at what kind of responses you elicit.

"I just don't see how the goings on inside one of the smallest player pools in the country has anything to do with you or me." I hope after reading my post you will at least reconsider this statement.

Edited Below:

Although I think some of your poker theory is a bit kooky I have come to respect you through your posts on this forum as well as your articles. Please do not take the matter of potential cheating in poker lightly whether you believe it affects you directly today or not.

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